Thursday, 27 February 2014

4 months in..

4 months in and I cannot believe how fast time has flown! This has been the most incredible journey so far and I cant even think about going home yet. We have had 2 weeks of solid pow and some nice warm weather to back it up on these last few days. Working some crazy amount of hours (crazy for me) and I am stoked to have some days off.

In a couple of short months I will be out of a job, possibly homeless, friends will be on the decline and ready to start an entire new season again. Already starting to frantically search for jobs and a house to live in, I just cant get over how quickly this season has come to an end. I am lucky enough to have a good chunk of friends still staying on for the summer so that transition will not be as excruciating.

So for all of you back home that may be wondering what my next steps are, I will be staying in Canada for at least the summer season (yes another 6 months). Here I hope to soak um some well needed rays of sunlight as I am looking mighty pasty. I also attempt to live a chilled few months by a lake, drinking cold bevvies and living with some of my closest pals. The idea is to work a little harder and try my very best to save some dollars for my next adventure. I really have no plans after that, I dont plan to stay in Whistler forever. As much as I do love it, the case of bubble blues continues to rise. I am hoping to travel some of canada in the next couple of months if we get our act together and make it happen which would be a tonne of fun. So thats my short term plan..looks like I might make it at least a full year away from home (scary thought).

I love you all dearly and no pictures for you because I am lazy and still in bed contemplating getting up the mountain.

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