anyway on to more pressing topics of this week's events, I will start by mentioning the epic dump of fresh pow we had last weekend. Of course it had to come on a saturday and the lines to get in any of that action was enough for me to throw my hands up and wait until after the weekend. Yes I did get criticised to no end but who wants to wait in 40min lines to get up a chair lift with a billion layers, heavy skis and not-so-comfty ski boots?

I trekked it out again the following day on the best bluebird day I have seen yet! Oh and let me tell you, it was crazy warm up top with a whopping 6 degrees it seemed more like spring riding. Did a few runs and had some embarrassing trouble with my skis. Let's just say I had to hike it back up to put one of them back on and then throwing in the towel to a pair of very appreciative legs. That night followed with farewelling one of my first friends made in canadian town Brent who sadly has to venture back home early. Twas a messy night at garfs which followed with some horrible hangovers by some members of 403.
Today also marks 1 week until ainseeee gets here..words cannot describe how excited I am!
It's been a super fun week and really loving every minute that I get to spend here. If you want to stop seeing all my posts and see it if for yourself then shoot The Working Holiday Club an email at
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