Friday, 13 December 2013

the bubble


  1. 1.
    used to refer to a good or fortunate situation that is isolated from reality or unlikely to last.

I feel its time to share the common understanding amongst locals of whistler. I have been snugged up in my little home for almost 7 weeks now and finally can understand what people mean when they say "you come for a season and never leave". I did not think it was possible to be having this much fun every single day. It is almost impossible to paint a picture for those who havent been away from home for a long period of time yet and for those who have I am sure you understand! It literally is work play ride and sleep and the awesome part is you dont have to think about the real world that awaits you back at home! Dont get me wrong I miss my family friends and a real wage like crazy but I also am having such a blast. Living just a stone throw away from all of your friends is awesome and there is always always someone to ride with. 

This last week has been pretty tame and mellow for me as I felt like a good 5 nights off was needed. In that time though I still have a large pile of washing and a billion errands to do down at the village. 

Some frustrations occurred this week too like my phone company cutting my service and only realising hours and hours later that no one had replied to my texts all day long. Canada is weird sometimes and paying my phone bill seems to be way more complicated than it has to be. They dont have a bpay sort of system here well koodo dont have the service. They also dont take international credit cards unless it has been authorised which takes days and to my lucky self was declined upon request. The only way to pay this lovely bill is to go into the bank. another beauty is my pile of dirty washing that I mentioned earlier ...mum come over and help me out please? :)

ohhh also, it has snowed some minimal cms thank goodness and its my day off so just got back from a not so confident day. anyway short and sweet this week but check out this video which might give you more of an idea of this bubble talk so watch away

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