Let's start with the money factor and feeling fairly poor because I still haven't experienced the wonders of pay day friday. This means that I have been chewing into my savings like there is no tomorrow on basics like food, alcohol, food and alcohol. Things here are not cheap and although not more expensive than home still feels pricey for north america. Doing groceries has been my worst nightmare as I spend way too much on what seems like very few items. If anyone is ever thinking of doing a season over here it is recommended that a budget of at least $2000 is needed before getting paid anything decent. As the mountain has only just opened although hooked up with a job not a lot of hours are going around for many at the moment. In saying that I feel like I have worked so much, maybe because I have just been in holiday mode for over a month now.
Lots and lots of partying has been accomplished including our first staff party which was in a league of its own. Tight and bright at Merlins called for ski shotting, free drinks, some people getting kicked out of bars and some unfortunate (or maybe fortunate for some) lost memories. Julia you get a shout out in my post this time as being by far the craziest friend I have made on this trip so far, please appreciate the photos below! Many of us have learnt the hard way that going out when you have work the next day is a major slap in the face especially when your boss will even comment on the fact that they can tell you had a big night!
Work has been fairly quiet with almost no customers coming in as of yet but somehow I seem to have worked a tonne so far. As we are working at the fairmont rental store we get to work some sexy black baggy pants that are way too long, dressy shoes and a restricting sweater thing as the canadians call it. Apparently it is supposed to get super busy in the next couple of weeks which might make the shifts go faster too.
daily commute to work
We also finally have a new roomie, one of my friends from back home Taylor. He got sick of no lounge and no kitchen and eating breakfast, lunch and dinner on his bed so our place was too good to resist! One more to come!
And yes last but not least lets discuss the most important aspect of this adventure of mine, the mountain! Much to my amazement I did go up on opening day despite my reluctance of busy lines, tourists and probably being a complete clutz on first day! Nevertheless I went up with Lauren one of my new fairmont buddies. As a side note and to paint a picture for you all, my place is located on Blackcomb mountain a little way up which is not open yet due to not enough snow (I think?) Carrying skis, poles, helmet and lets not forget walking in the boots does is not the most incredible task you can think of. Here I was ready to go lugging all my gear down 4 flights of stairs, heading to the bus stop only to find a note saying that the buses do not run between 9-3 from now until early dec. Because we cannot ski down staff hill yet trying to get down by walking did not tickle my fancy. So I bit the bullet and caught a cab down to the village :/ . We had an absolute blast and were so excited to be up there for the first time of the season. Ran into our friend Andrew up the top and maybe unfortunately for him he got stuck with me being super slow for the rest of the day. Only a handful of runs were open which meant only 3 chairs open so the lines were super long but well worth it! I was amazed by the fact that I remembered how to ski after being only new to the awesome sport. However, as pro as you all might think I am I did fall about 3 times, with one really taking the wind out of my sails. Massive day up and unfortunately my only day so far due to working since then. The next 3 days are going to be huge as I will be up there for every single one of them, heres hoping!
Lauren and I trying to snap a selfie on the chairlift
So it has been a huge month so far and is really only just beginning, until next week loved ones :)

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