Monday, 7 October 2013

time for another

I guess it is time for another one of these bad boys! Seriously, I think I will annoy/clog all your news feeds with numerous blogs for the next several months. I have accepted the fact that I may be unfriended along the way. Apologies in advance.

Tonight marked a crazy milestone in my life and that being saying goodbye to the workplace that I have slaved away at for a good 2.5 years. My social/love and normal life were put on hold and knocked around a bit but it was all worth it. Loved working with amazing people and those late nights were some of the funnest memories I will take with me. To all my partners in crime, you know who you are I will miss you all dearly.

On to more pressing matters, it actually is only less than 2 weeks till I am in very unfamiliar territory. I get asked a lot "how are you feeling scared/nervous/sad/happy/excited etc etc etc???". I honestly am probably feeling a mixture of all of the above & including the etc etc etc. 

The next 2 weeks will include a mixture of sad & maybe happy goodbyes, attempting to pack every single thing into my backpack, relisting for the 10th time some of my not so wanted belongings on ebay (damn auspost upped their prices this week), finalising money with the hopes of the $ rising just a cent more before I exchange and spending some beloved time with my beautiful family & friends.

All I can say is so happy I went through these guys, they have made the transition so super breezy. 

ps. yes I did write this at 2.30 am but please no judgements, that is just how my body clock is wired. 

Until next time :)

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